Deep learning in bioinformatics introduction, application, and perspective in big data era, bioRxiv, 2019-03-01

Deep learning, which is especially formidable in handling big data, has achieved great success in various fields, including bioinformatics. With the advances of the big data era in biology, it is foreseeable that deep learning will become increasingly important in the field and will be incorporated in vast majorities of analysis pipelines. In this review, we provide both the exoteric introduction of deep learning, and concrete examples and implementations of its representative applications in bioinformatics. We start from the recent achievements of deep learning in the bioinformatics field, pointing out the problems which are suitable to use deep learning. After that, we introduce deep learning in an easy-to-understand fashion, from shallow neural networks to legendary convolutional neural networks, legendary recurrent neural networks, graph neural networks, generative adversarial networks, variational autoencoder, and the most recent state-of-the-art architectures. After that, we provide eight examples, covering five bioinformatics research directions and all the four kinds of data type, with the implementation written in Tensorflow and Keras. Finally, we discuss the common issues, such as overfitting and interpretability, that users will encounter when adopting deep learning methods and provide corresponding suggestions. The implementations are freely available at httpsgithub.comlykaust15Deep_learning_examples .

biorxiv bioinformatics 100-200-users 2019

A comparison of three programming languages for a full-fledged next-generation sequencing tool, bioRxiv, 2019-02-23

Background elPrep is an established multi-threaded framework for preparing SAM and BAM files in sequencing pipelines. To achieve good performance, its software architecture makes only a single pass through a SAMBAM file for multiple preparation steps, and keeps sequencing data as much as possible in main memory. Similar to other SAMBAM tools, management of heap memory is a complex task in elPrep, and it became a serious productivity bottleneck in its original implementation language during recent further development of elPrep. We therefore investigated three alternative programming languages Go and Java using a concurrent, parallel garbage collector on the one hand, and C++17 using reference counting on the other hand for handling large amounts of heap objects. We reimplemented elPrep in all three languages and benchmarked their runtime performance and memory use.Results The Go implementation performs best, yielding the best balance between runtime performance and memory use. While the Java benchmarks report a somewhat faster runtime than the Go benchmarks, the memory use of the Java runs is significantly higher. The C++17 benchmarks run significantly slower than both Go and Java, while using somewhat more memory than the Go runs. Our analysis shows that concurrent, parallel garbage collection is better at managing a large heap of objects than reference counting in our case.Conclusions Based on our benchmark results, we selected Go as our new implementation language for elPrep, and recommend considering Go as a good candidate for developing other bioinformatics tools for processing SAMBAM data as well.

biorxiv bioinformatics 100-200-users 2019

Cooler scalable storage for Hi-C data and other genomically-labeled arrays, bioRxiv, 2019-02-23

Most existing coverage-based (epi)genomic datasets are one-dimensional, but newer technologies probing interactions (physical, genetic, etc.) produce quantitative maps with two-dimensional genomic coordinate systems. Storage and computational costs mount sharply with data resolution when such maps are stored in dense form. Hence, there is a pressing need to develop data storage strategies that handle the full range of useful resolutions in multidimensional genomic datasets by taking advantage of their sparse nature, while supporting efficient compression and providing fast random access to facilitate development of scalable algorithms for data analysis. We developed a file format called cooler, based on a sparse data model, that can support genomically-labeled matrices at any resolution. It has the flexibility to accommodate various descriptions of the data axes (genomic coordinates, tracks and bin annotations), resolutions, data density patterns, and metadata. Cooler is based on HDF5 and is supported by a Python library and command line suite to create, read, inspect and manipulate cooler data collections. The format has been adopted as a standard by the NIH 4D Nucleome Consortium. Cooler is cross-platform, BSD-licensed, and can be installed from the Python Package Index or the bioconda repository. The source code is maintained on Github at httpsgithub.commirnylabcooler.

biorxiv bioinformatics 0-100-users 2019


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