Genetic Associations with Mathematics Tracking and Persistence in Secondary School, bioRxiv, 2019-04-05

Maximizing the flow of students through the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) pipeline is important to promoting human capital development and reducing economic inequality1. A critical juncture in the STEM pipeline is the highly-cumulative sequence of secondary school math courses2–5. Students from disadvantaged schools are less likely to complete advanced math courses, but debate continues about why6,7. Here, we address this question using student polygenic scores, which are DNA-based indicators of propensity to succeed in education8. We integrated genetic and official school transcript data from over 3,000 European-ancestry students from U.S. high schools. We used polygenic scores as a molecular tracer to understand how the flow of students through the high school math pipeline differs in socioeconomically advantaged versus disadvantaged schools. Students with higher education polygenic scores were tracked to more advanced math already at the beginning of high school and persisted in math for more years. Molecular tracer analyses revealed that the dynamics of the math pipeline differed by school advantage. Compared to disadvantaged schools, advantaged schools tracked more students with high polygenic scores into advanced math classes at the start of high school, and they buffered students with low polygenic scores from dropping out of math. Across all schools, even students with exceptional polygenic scores (top 2%) were unlikely to take the most advanced math classes, suggesting substantial room for improvement in the development of potential STEM talent. These results link new molecular genetic discoveries to a common target of educational-policy reforms.

biorxiv genetics 200-500-users 2019

The mutational landscape of a prion-like domain, bioRxiv, 2019-04-02

AbstractSpecific insoluble protein aggregates are the hallmarks of many neurodegenerative diseases1–5. For example, cytoplasmic aggregates of the RNA-binding protein TDP-43 are observed in 97% of cases of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)6,7. However, it is still unclear for ALS and other diseases whether it is the insoluble aggregates or other forms of the mutated proteins that cause these diseases that are actually toxic to cells8–13. Here we address this question for TDP-43 by systematically mutating14 the protein and quantifying the effects on cellular toxicity. We generated >50,000 mutations in the intrinsically disordered prion-like domain (PRD) and observed that changes in hydrophobicity and aggregation potential are highly predictive of changes in toxicity. Surprisingly, however, increased hydrophobicity and cytoplasmic aggregation actually reduce cellular toxicity. Mutations have their strongest effects in a central region of the PRD, with variants that increase toxicity promoting the formation of more dynamic liquid-like condensates. The genetic interactions in double mutants reveal that specific structures exist in this ‘unstructured’ region in vivo. Our results demonstrate that deep mutagenesis is a powerful approach for probing the sequence-function relationships of intrinsically disordered proteins as well as their in vivo structural conformations. Moreover, we show that aggregation of TDP-43 is not harmful but actually protects cells, most likely by titrating the protein away from a toxic liquid-like phase.

biorxiv genetics 200-500-users 2019


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