Geographic variation and bias in polygenic scores of complex diseases and traits in Finland, bioRxiv, 2018-12-04

AbstractPolygenic scores (PS) are becoming a useful tool to identify individuals with high genetic risk for complex diseases and several projects are currently testing their utility for translational applications. It is also tempting to use PS to assess whether genetic variation can explain a part of the geographic distribution of a phenotype. However, it is not well known how population genetic properties of the training and target samples affect the geographic distribution of PS. Here, we evaluate geographic differences, and related biases, of PS in Finland with geographically well-defined sample of 2,376 individuals from the National FINRISK study. First, we detect geographic differences in PS for coronary artery disease (CAD), rheumatoid arthritis, schizophrenia, waits-hip ratio (WHR), body-mass index (BMI) and height, but not for Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. Second, we use height as a model trait to thoroughly assess the possible population genetic biases in PS and apply similar approaches to the other phenotypes. Most importantly, we detect suspiciously large accumulation of geographic differences for CAD, WHR, BMI and height, suggesting bias arising from population genetic structure rather than from a direct genotype-phenotype association. This work demonstrates how sensitive the geographic patterns of current PS are for small biases even within relatively homogenous populations and provides simple tools to identify such biases. A thorough understanding of the effects of population genetic structure on PS is essential for translational applications of PS.

biorxiv genetics 100-200-users 2018

C. elegans pathogenic learning confers multigenerational pathogen avoidance, bioRxiv, 2018-11-22

AbstractThe ability to pass on learned information to progeny could present an evolutionary advantage for many generations. While apparently evolutionarily conserved1–12, transgenerational epigenetic inheritance (TEI) is not well understood at the molecular or behavioral levels. Here we describe our discovery that C. elegans can pass on a learned pathogenic avoidance behavior to their progeny for several generations through epigenetic mechanisms. Although worms are initially attracted to the gram-negative bacteria P. aeruginosa (PA14)13, they can learn to avoid this pathogen13. We found that prolonged PA14 exposure results in transmission of avoidance behavior to progeny that have themselves never been exposed to PA14, and this behavior persists through the fourth generation. This form of transgenerational inheritance of bacterial avoidance is specific to pathogenic P. aeruginosa, requires physical contact and infection, and is distinct from CREB-dependent long-term associative memory and larval imprinting. The TGF-β ligand daf-7, whose expression increases in the ASJ upon initial exposure to PA1414, is highly expressed in the ASI neurons of progeny of trained mothers until the fourth generation, correlating with transgenerational avoidance behavior. Mutants of histone modifiers and small RNA mediators display defects in naïve PA14 attraction and aversive learning. By contrast, the germline-expressed PRG-1Piwi homolog15 is specifically required for transgenerational inheritance of avoidance behavior. Our results demonstrate a novel and natural paradigm of TEI that may optimize progeny decisions and subsequent survival in the face of changing environmental conditions.

biorxiv genetics 100-200-users 2018


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