Assessment of Glyphosate Induced Epigenetic Transgenerational Inheritance of Pathologies and Sperm Epimutations Generational Toxicology, Scientific Reports, 2019-04-22

Ancestral environmental exposures to a variety of factors and toxicants have been shown to promote the epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of adult onset disease. One of the most widely used agricultural pesticides worldwide is the herbicide glyphosate (N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine), commonly known as Roundup. There are an increasing number of conflicting reports regarding the direct exposure toxicity (risk) of glyphosate, but no rigorous investigations on the generational actions. The current study using a transient exposure of gestating F0 generation female rats found negligible impacts of glyphosate on the directly exposed F0 generation, or F1 generation offspring pathology. In contrast, dramatic increases in pathologies in the F2 generation grand-offspring, and F3 transgenerational great-grand-offspring were observed. The transgenerational pathologies observed include prostate disease, obesity, kidney disease, ovarian disease, and parturition (birth) abnormalities. Epigenetic analysis of the F1, F2 and F3 generation sperm identified differential DNA methylation regions (DMRs). A number of DMR associated genes were identified and previously shown to be involved in pathologies. Therefore, we propose glyphosate can induce the transgenerational inheritance of disease and germline (e.g. sperm) epimutations. Observations suggest the generational toxicology of glyphosate needs to be considered in the disease etiology of future generations.

scientific reports genetics 500+-users 2019

Rare variants contribute disproportionately to quantitative trait variation in yeast, bioRxiv, 2019-04-15

AbstractA detailed understanding of the sources of heritable variation is a central goal of modern genetics. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) in humans1 have implicated tens of thousands of DNA sequence variants in disease risk and quantitative trait variation, but these variants fail to account for the entire heritability of diseases and traits. GWAS have by design focused on common DNA sequence variants; however, recent studies underscore the likely importance of the contribution of rare variants to heritable variation2. Further, finding the genes that underlie the GWAS signals remains a major challenge. Here, we use a unique model system to disentangle the contributions of common and rare variants to a large number of quantitative traits. We generated large crosses among 16 diverse yeast strains and identified thousands of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that explain most of the heritable variation in 38 traits. We combined our results with sequencing data for 1,011 yeast isolates3 to decouple variant effect size estimation from allele frequency and showed that rare variants make a disproportionate contribution to trait variation as a consequence of their larger effect sizes. Evolutionary analyses revealed that this contribution is driven by rare variants that arose recently, that such variants are more likely to decrease fitness, and that negative selection has shaped the relationship between variant frequency and effect size. Finally, we leveraged the structure of the crosses to resolve hundreds of QTLs to single genes. These results refine our understanding of trait variation at the population level and suggest that studies of rare variants are a fertile ground for discovery of genetic effects.

biorxiv genetics 100-200-users 2019

Not just onep Multivariate GWAS of psychiatric disorders and their cardinal symptoms reveal two dimensions of cross-cutting genetic liabilities, bioRxiv, 2019-04-10

AbstractA single dimension of general psychopathology,p, has been hypothesized to represent a general liability that spans multiple types of psychiatric disorders and non-clinical variation in psychiatric symptoms across the lifespan. We conducted genome-wide association analyses of lifetime symptoms of mania, psychosis, irritability in 124,952 to 208,315 individuals from UK Biobank, and then applied Genomic SEM to model the genetic relationships between these psychiatric symptoms and clinically-defined psychiatric disorders (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder). Two dimensions of cross-cutting genetic liability emerged general vulnerability to self-reported symptoms (pself) versus transdiagnostic vulnerability to clinically-diagnosed disease (pclinician). These were only modestly correlated (rg= .344). Multivariate GWAS identified 145 and 11 independent and genome-wide significant loci forpclinicianandpself, respectively, and improved polygenic prediction, relative to univariate GWAS, in hold-out samples. Despite the severe impairments in occupational and educational functioning seen in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder,pselfshowed stronger and more pervasive genetic correlations with facets of socioeconomic disadvantage (educational attainment, income, and neighborhood deprivation), whereaspclinicianwas more strongly associated with medical disorders unrelated to the brain. Genetic variance inpclinicianthat was unrelated to general vulnerability to psychiatric symptoms was associated withlesssocioeconomic disadvantage, suggesting positive selection biases in clinical samples used in psychiatric GWAS. These findings inform criticisms of psychiatric nosology by suggesting that cross-disorder genetic liabilities identified in GWASs of clinician-defined psychiatric disease are relatively distinct from genetic liabilities operating on self-reported symptom variation in the general population.

biorxiv genetics 100-200-users 2019


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