recount A large-scale resource of analysis-ready RNA-seq expression data, bioRxiv, 2016-08-09
Abstractrecount is a resource of processed and summarized expression data spanning nearly 60,000 human RNA-seq samples from the Sequence Read Archive (SRA). The associated recount Bio-conductor package provides a convenient API for querying, downloading, and analyzing the data. Each processed study consists of metaphenotype data, the expression levels of genes and their underlying exons and splice junctions, and corresponding genomic annotation. We also provide data summarization types for quantifying novel transcribed sequence including base-resolution coverage and potentially unannotated splice junctions. We present workflows illustrating how to use recount to perform differential expression analysis including meta-analysis, annotation-free base-level analysis, and replication of smaller studies using data from larger studies. recount provides a valuable and user-friendly resource of processed RNA-seq datasets to draw additional biological insights from existing public data. The resource is available at <jatsext-link xmlnsxlink=httpwww.w3.org1999xlink ext-link-type=uri xlinkhref=httpsjhubiostatistics.shinyapps.iorecount>httpsjhubiostatistics.shinyapps.iorecount<jatsext-link>.
biorxiv genomics 100-200-users 2016Massively parallel digital transcriptional profiling of single cells, bioRxiv, 2016-07-27
ABSTRACTCharacterizing the transcriptome of individual cells is fundamental to understanding complex biological systems. We describe a droplet-based system that enables 3′ mRNA counting of up to tens of thousands of single cells per sample. Cell encapsulation in droplets takes place in ∼6 minutes, with ∼50% cell capture efficiency, up to 8 samples at a time. The speed and efficiency allow the processing of precious samples while minimizing stress to cells. To demonstrate the system′s technical performance and its applications, we collected transcriptome data from ∼¼ million single cells across 29 samples. First, we validate the sensitivity of the system and its ability to detect rare populations using cell lines and synthetic RNAs. Then, we profile 68k peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) to demonstrate the system′s ability to characterize large immune populations. Finally, we use sequence variation in the transcriptome data to determine host and donor chimerism at single cell resolution in bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMCs) of transplant patients. This analysis enables characterization of the complex interplay between donor and host cells and monitoring of treatment response. This high-throughput system is robust and enables characterization of diverse biological systems with single cell mRNA analysis.
biorxiv genomics 100-200-users 2016Massively multiplex single-cell Hi-C, bioRxiv, 2016-07-24
AbstractWe present combinatorial single cell Hi-C, a novel method that leverages combinatorial cellular indexing to measure chromosome conformation in large numbers of single cells. In this proof-of-concept, we generate and sequence combinatorial single cell Hi-C libraries for two mouse and four human cell types, comprising a total of 9,316 single cells across 5 experiments. We demonstrate the utility of single-cell Hi-C data in separating different cell types, identify previously uncharacterized cell-to-cell heterogeneity in the conformational properties of mammalian chromosomes, and demonstrate that combinatorial indexing is a generalizable molecular strategy for single-cell genomics.
biorxiv genomics 0-100-users 2016Deep Sequencing of 10,000 Human Genomes, bioRxiv, 2016-07-02
AbstractWe report on the sequencing of 10,545 human genomes at 30-40x coverage with an emphasis on quality metrics and novel variant and sequence discovery. We find that 84% of an individual human genome can be sequenced confidently. This high confidence region includes 91.5% of exon sequence and 95.2% of known pathogenic variant positions. We present thedistribution of over 150 million single nucleotide variants in the coding and non-coding genome. Each newly sequenced genome contributes an average of 8,579 novel variants. In addition, each genome carries in average 0.7 Mb of sequence that is not found in the main build of the hg38 reference genome. The density of this catalog of variation allowed us to construct highresolution profiles that define genomic sites that are highly intolerant of genetic variation. These results indicate that the data generated by deep genome sequencing is of the quality necessary for clinical use.Significance statementDeclining sequencing costs and new large-scale initiatives towards personalized medicine are driving a massive expansion in the number of human genomes being sequenced. Therefore, there is an urgent need to define quality standards for clinical use. This includes deep coverage and sequencing accuracy of an individual’s genome, rather than aggregated coverage of data across a cohort or population. Our work represents the largest effort to date in sequencing human genomes at deep coverage with these new standards. This study identifies over 150 million human variants, a majority of them rare and unknown. Moreover, these data identify sites in the genome that are highly intolerant to variation - possibly essential for life or health. We conclude that high coverage genome sequencing provides accurate detail on human variation for discovery and for clinical applications.
biorxiv genomics 200-500-users 2016Democratizing DNA Fingerprinting, bioRxiv, 2016-07-01
AbstractWe report a rapid, inexpensive, and portable strategy to re-identify human DNA using the MinION, a miniature sequencing sensor by Oxford Nanopore Technologies. Our strategy requires only 10-30 minutes of MinION sequencing, works with low input DNA, and enables familial searches. We also show that it can re-identify individuals from Direct-to-Consumer genomic datasets that are publicly available. We discuss potential forensic applications as well as the legal and ethical implications of a democratized DNA fingerprinting strategy available to the public.
biorxiv genomics 100-200-users 2016Adapterama I Universal stubs and primers for 384 unique dual-indexed or 147,456 combinatorially-indexed Illumina libraries (iTru & iNext), bioRxiv, 2016-06-16
AbstractNext-generation DNA sequencing (NGS) offers many benefits, but major factors limiting NGS include reducing costs of 1) start-up (i.e., doing NGS for the first time); 2) buy-in (i.e., getting the smallest possible amount of data from a run); and 3) sample preparation. Reducing sample preparation costs is commonly addressed, but start-up and buy-in costs are rarely addressed. We present dual-indexing systems to address all three of these issues. By breaking the library construction process into universal, re-usable, combinatorial components, we reduce all costs, while increasing the number of samples and the variety of library types that can be combined within runs. We accomplish this by extending the Illumina TruSeq dual-indexing approach to 768 (384 + 384) indexed primers that produce 384 unique dual-indexes or 147,456 (384 × 384) unique combinations. We maintain eight nucleotide indexes, with many that are compatible with Illumina index sequences. We synthesized these indexing primers, purifying them with only standard desalting and placing small aliquots in replicate plates. In qPCR validation tests, 206 of 208 primers tested passed (99% success). We then created hundreds of libraries in various scenarios. Our approach reduces start-up and per-sample costs by requiring only one universal adapter that works with indexed PCR primers to uniquely identify samples. Our approach reduces buy-in costs because 1) relatively few oligonucleotides are needed to produce a large number of indexed libraries; and 2) the large number of possible primers allows researchers to use unique primer sets for different projects, which facilitates pooling of samples during sequencing. Our libraries make use of standard Illumina sequencing primers and index sequence length and are demultiplexed with standard Illumina software, thereby minimizing customization headaches. In subsequent Adapterama papers, we use these same primers with different adapter stubs to construct amplicon and restriction-site associated DNA libraries, but their use can be expanded to any type of library sequenced on Illumina platforms.
biorxiv genomics 0-100-users 2016