Probing variability in a cognitive map using manifold inference from neural dynamics, bioRxiv, 2018-09-17

Hippocampal neurons fire selectively in local behavioral contexts such as the position in an environment or phase of a task,1-3 and are thought to form a cognitive map of task-relevant variables.1,4,5 However, their activity varies over repeated behavioral conditions,6 such as different runs through the same position or repeated trials. Although widely observed across the brain,7-10 such variability is not well understood, and could reflect noise or structure, such as the encoding of additional cognitive information.6,11-13 Here, we introduce a conceptual model to explain variability in terms of underlying, population-level structure in single-trial neural activity. To test this model, we developed a novel unsupervised learning algorithm incorporating temporal dynamics, in order to characterize population activity as a trajectory on a nonlinear manifold—a space of possible network states. The manifold’s structure captures correlations between neurons and temporal relationships between states, constraints arising from underlying network architecture and inputs. Using measurements of activity over time but no information about exogenous behavioral variables, we recovered hippocampal activity manifolds during spatial and non-spatial cognitive tasks in rats. Manifolds were low-dimensional and smoothly encoded task-related variables, but contained an extra dimension reflecting information beyond the measured behavioral variables. Consistent with our model, neurons fired as a function of overall network state, and fluctuations in their activity across trials corresponded to variation in the underlying trajectory on the manifold. In particular, the extra dimension allowed the system to take different trajectories despite repeated behavioral conditions. Furthermore, the trajectory could temporarily decouple from current behavioral conditions and traverse neighboring manifold points corresponding to past, future, or nearby behavioral states. Our results suggest that trial-to-trial variability in the hippocampus is structured, and may reflect the operation of internal cognitive processes. The manifold structure of population activity is well-suited for organizing information to support memory,1,5,14 planning,12,15,16 and reinforcement learning.17,18 In general, our approach could find broader use in probing the organization and computational role of circuit dynamics in other brain regions.

biorxiv neuroscience 0-100-users 2018

Evaluating the evidence for biotypes of depression attempted replication of Drysdale 2017, bioRxiv, 2018-09-16

AbstractBackgroundPsychiatric disorders are highly heterogeneous, defined based on symptoms with little connection to potential underlying biological mechanisms. A possible approach to dissect biological heterogeneity is to look for biologically meaningful subtypes. A recent study Drysdale et al. (2017) showed promising results along this line by simultaneously using resting state fMRI and clinical data and identified four distinct subtypes of depression with different clinical profiles and abnormal resting state fMRI connectivity. These subtypes were predictive of treatment response to transcranial magnetic stimulation therapy.ObjectiveHere, we attempted to replicate the procedure followed in the Drysdale et al. study and their findings in an independent dataset of a clinically more heterogeneous sample of 187 participants with depression and anxiety. We aimed to answer the following questions 1) Using the same procedure, can we find a statistically significant and reliable relationship between brain connectivity and clinical symptoms? 2) Is the observed relationship similar to the one found in the original study? 3) Can we identify distinct and reliable subtypes? 4) Do they have similar clinical profiles as the subtypes identified in the original study?MethodsWe followed the original procedure as closely as possible, including a canonical correlation analysis to find a low dimensional representation of clinically relevant resting state fMRI features, followed by hierarchical clustering to identify subtypes. We extended the original procedure using additional statistical tests, to test the statistical significance of the relationship between resting state fMRI and clinical data, and the existence of distinct subtypes. Furthermore, we examined the stability of the whole procedure using resampling.Results and ConclusionWe were not able to replicate the findings of the original study. Relationships between brain connectivity and clinical symptoms were not statistically significant and we also did not find clearly distinct subtypes of depression. We argue, that based on our rigorous approach and in-depth review of the original results, that the evidence for the existence of the distinct resting state connectivity based subtypes of depression is weak and should be interpreted with caution.

biorxiv neuroscience 100-200-users 2018


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