Inferring single-trial neural population dynamics using sequential auto-encoders, bioRxiv, 2017-06-21

Neuroscience is experiencing a data revolution in which simultaneous recording of many hundreds or thousands of neurons is revealing structure in population activity that is not apparent from single-neuron responses. This structure is typically extracted from trial-averaged data. Single-trial analyses are challenging due to incomplete sampling of the neural population, trial-to-trial variability, and fluctuations in action potential timing. Here we introduce Latent Factor Analysis via Dynamical Systems (LFADS), a deep learning method to infer latent dynamics from single-trial neural spiking data. LFADS uses a nonlinear dynamical system (a recurrent neural network) to infer the dynamics underlying observed population activity and to extract ‘de-noised’ single-trial firing rates from neural spiking data. We apply LFADS to a variety of monkey and human motor cortical datasets, demonstrating its ability to predict observed behavioral variables with unprecedented accuracy, extract precise estimates of neural dynamics on single trials, infer perturbations to those dynamics that correlate with behavioral choices, and combine data from non-overlapping recording sessions (spanning months) to improve inference of underlying dynamics. In summary, LFADS leverages all observations of a neural population’s activity to accurately model its dynamics on single trials, opening the door to a detailed understanding of the role of dynamics in performing computation and ultimately driving behavior.

biorxiv neuroscience 100-200-users 2017

Beyond Consensus Embracing Heterogeneity in Curated Neuroimaging Meta-Analysis, bioRxiv, 2017-06-14

Coordinate-based meta-analysis can provide important insights into mind-brain relationships. A popular approach for curated small-scale meta-analysis is activation likelihood estimation (ALE), which identifies brain regions consistently activated across a selected set of experiments, such as within a functional domain or mental disorder. ALE can also be utilized in meta-analytic co-activation modeling (MACM) to identify brain regions consistently co-activated with a seed region. Therefore, ALE aims to find consensus across experiments, treating heterogeneity across experiments as noise. However, heterogeneity within an ALE analysis of a functional domain might indicate the presence of functional sub-domains. Similarly, heterogeneity within a MACM analysis might indicate the involvement of a seed region in multiple co-activation patterns that are dependent on task contexts. Here, we demonstrate the use of the author-topic model to automatically determine if heterogeneities within ALE-type meta-analyses can be robustly explained by a small number of latent patterns. In the first application, the author-topic modeling of experiments involving self-generated thought (N = 179) revealed cognitive components fractionating the default network. In the second application, the author-topic model revealed that the left inferior frontal junction (IFJ) participated in multiple task-dependent co-activation patterns (N = 323). Furthermore, the author-topic model estimates compared favorably with spatial independent component analysis in both simulation and real data. Overall, the results suggest that the author-topic model is a flexible tool for exploring heterogeneity in ALE-type meta-analyses that might arise from functional sub-domains, mental disorder subtypes or task-dependent co-activation patterns. Code for this study is publicly available (httpsgithub.comThomasYeoLabCBIGtreemasterstable_projectsmeta-analysisNgo2019_AuthorTopic).

biorxiv neuroscience 0-100-users 2017

A single-cell anatomical blueprint for intracortical information transfer from primary visual cortex, bioRxiv, 2017-06-10

The wiring diagram of the neocortex determines how information is processed across dozens of cortical areas. Each area communicates with multiple others via extensive long-range axonal projections 1–6, but the logic of inter-area information transfer is unresolved. Specifically, the extent to which individual neurons send dedicated projections to single cortical targets or distribute their signals across multiple areas remains unclear5,7–20. Distinguishing between these possibilities has been challenging because axonal projections of only a few individual neurons have been reconstructed. Here we map the projection patterns of axonal arbors from 591 individual neurons in mouse primary visual cortex (V1) using two complementary methods whole-brain fluorescence-based axonal tracing21,22 and high-throughput DNA sequencing of genetically barcoded neurons (MAPseq)23. Although our results confirm the existence of dedicated projections to certain cortical areas, we find these are the exception, and that the majority of V1 neurons broadcast information to multiple cortical targets. Furthermore, broadcasting cells do not project to all targets randomly, but rather comprise subpopulations that either avoid or preferentially innervate specific subsets of cortical areas. Our data argue against a model of dedicated lines of intracortical information transfer via “one neuron – one target area” mapping. Instead, long-range communication between a sensory cortical area and its targets may be based on a principle whereby individual neurons copy information to, and potentially coordinate activity across, specific subsets of cortical areas.

biorxiv neuroscience 100-200-users 2017

Non-invasive laminar inference with MEG Comparison of methods and source inversion algorithms, bioRxiv, 2017-06-08

AbstractMagnetoencephalography (MEG) is a direct measure of neuronal current flow; its anatomical resolution is therefore not constrained by physiology but rather by data quality and the models used to explain these data. Recent simulation work has shown that it is possible to distinguish between signals arising in the deep and superficial cortical laminae given accurate knowledge of these surfaces with respect to the MEG sensors. This previous work has focused around a single inversion scheme (multiple sparse priors) and a single global parametric fit metric (free energy). In this paper we use several different source inversion algorithms and both local and global, as well as parametric and non-parametric fit metrics in order to demonstrate the robustness of the discrimination between layers. We find that only algorithms with some sparsity constraint can successfully be used to make laminar discrimination. Importantly, local t-statistics, global cross-validation and free energy all provide robust and mutually corroborating metrics of fit. We show that discrimination accuracy is affected by patch size estimates, cortical surface features, and lead field strength, which suggests several possible future improvements to this technique. This study demonstrates the possibility of determining the laminar origin of MEG sensor activity, and thus directly testing theories of human cognition that involve laminar- and frequency- specific mechanisms. This possibility can now be achieved using recent developments in high precision MEG, most notably the use of subject-specific head-casts, which allow for significant increases in data quality and therefore anatomically precise MEG recordings.

biorxiv neuroscience 0-100-users 2017


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