Nanopore native RNA sequencing of a human poly(A) transcriptome, bioRxiv, 2018-11-10

ABSTRACTHigh throughput cDNA sequencing technologies have dramatically advanced our understanding of transcriptome complexity and regulation. However, these methods lose information contained in biological RNA because the copied reads are often short and because modifications are not carried forward in cDNA. We address these limitations using a native poly(A) RNA sequencing strategy developed by Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT). Our study focused on poly(A) RNA from the human cell line GM12878, generating 9.9 million aligned sequence reads. These native RNA reads had an aligned N50 length of 1294 bases, and a maximum aligned length of over 21,000 bases. A total of 78,199 high-confidence isoforms were identified by combining long nanopore reads with short higher accuracy Illumina reads. We describe strategies for assessing 3′ poly(A) tail length, base modifications and transcript haplotypes from nanopore RNA data. Together, these nanopore-based techniques are poised to deliver new insights into RNA biology.DISCLOSURESMA holds shares in Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT). MA is a paid consultant to ONT. REW, WT, TG, JRT, JQ, NJL, JTS, NS, AB, MA, HEO, MJ, and ML received reimbursement for travel, accommodation and conference fees to speak at events organised by ONT. NL has received an honorarium to speak at an ONT company meeting. WT has two patents (8,748,091 and 8,394,584) licensed to Oxford Nanopore. JTS, ML and MA received research funding from ONT.

biorxiv genomics 200-500-users 2018


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